"There is consistency in inconsistency if you are staying true to yourself."
Love that. A good friend told me that one day. It took me a while to understand it, but when I did I was like..dang! that is so freaking true! So basically, if you're staying true to yourself, it's okay for your life to be inconsistent. If you're a runner and one day you just don't feel like running - don't. If you're a painter and one day you want to draw - draw. If you're a writer and one day you feel like putting the pen away - read.
I don't know what got me back here typing a new post. It might have been because I found two of my friends' blogs and missed my own. I don't know..but who cares anyway. I'M BAAAACKKK! What to catch you up on...hmmm.
my family went to Arizona over Christmas...

...visited the Grand Canyon...so vast!!!

went on a hike...

...enjoyed some scenery
(I think this looks likes what Mt. Sinai could have looked like)

...and of course saw cactus!

the New Year came about...

my school took about 20 seniors to Peru over spring break...

to serve the local community...

to do some touristy sightseeing..(Machu Picchu!!!)

..and of course to enjoy the scenery!

I got a puppy!!! This is Mae and she's a rescue and is absolutely amazing and my obsession :)

she loves nature...


went to the beach with friends after graduation..

..to listen to some AWESOME music at hangout

saw some sick shows!

met some random people. made friends...

Hangout was the EPITOME of what music festivals represent. It was an perfect combination and mixture of listening to live music, experiencing encounters with strangers, and...well, hanging out (onnn the beeeach)! Music is one of my obsessions - passions (for a proper word). I find that when you listen to music, it can take you places you can't go otherwise. It transports me to a place of freedom, clarity, inspiration and contentment. Sometimes, I feel like it's unexplainable. All of you who have been to concerts/shows know (hopefully) what I mean. If you haven't been to a concert before, the only thing I have to say is GO.
In June, I spent nearly a month in Colorado doing work crew for YoungLife at a camp called Frontier Ranch.

My job was "server"..we set the tables in the Dining Hall....

served the campers food

..and bussed their tables

the last night, we set up "the longest table you've ever seen" and the campers ate an awesome dinner. this idea was created at Frontier because this is one of the closest pictures to heaven we have. it says in the Bible that there's a long table where everyone eats together. we came close.

during work crew, not only did I further my relationship with the Lord, but I also made friends with the most amazing people...

we devoured YL's signature dessert "Train Wreck" together..

took a morning hike to the crosses..

..watched God bring up the sun

and sang a song at sunrise
and..as usual were surrounded by this kind of amazing scenery, never got used to it, and always enjoyed it

"For even the Son on Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as ransom for many." -Mark 10:45
I went backpacking again in the Smoky's with my cousin, two uncles and dad...

...and it was awesome.
then we arrived to our family reunion three days (via foot!) later to hang with fam!
(these are just a few of us...there's actually 20+ of us)
(these are just a few of us...there's actually 20+ of us)
and now...i'm in COLLEGE!!! woo
More updates about college and such...I promise. OHH and I will soon post my fave music from the past like year or however long I didn't blog...get exxxcited
Sure is nice to hear from you again, Liza. Ms. Boudreau